Finding a New Business Balance

“How are you feeling?” “Is this working? “Hello, can you hear me?” “Unmute yourself. I can’t hear you!!” – these are just a few of the regularly repeated questions/comments we at Beckon Business hear from our clients during the uncertain Covid19 year.

Of course, after the laughs, the conversation moves on to the bigger question just below the surface  – “As Business and Leadership coaches, what are you guys seeing out there?” 

We agree that businesses are operating in a new environment that is shifting and reshaping how  business leaders respond. (Check out this great must read post on the subject here)

Varyingly, we see either leadership creatively looking at this as the ‘new normal’ and wanting to act now to maximise the opportunity, whilst some businesses are choosing to stop and wait for things to ‘go back to normal’.

This viral environment is demanding businesses to be flexible, adaptable and at the same time continue as usual!  It is quite a balancing act and requires fit and robust thinking to lead businesses through.

Today we successfully launched our Finding a New Balance Program and received and overwhelming response.  We have since thought as a valued member of WA Leaders that you also may wish to join us on one of the following dates for a complimentary facilitated Zoom conversation to create, define and shape a new business balance.

Click on the date below to register:

So, what are you seeing out there? What have you heard?  What have you learnt in your businesses?  We would love to know… which is why we are inviting you to join us for a webinar focussed on exercising our collective business creativity and unveil the ‘hidden gifts’ of COVID19, as we get fit, efficient and flexible and develop a New Business Balance.

Following on from the initial 45 minute conversation with like minded leaders we would like to provide you the opportunity to take a deeper dive into creating a New Business Balance for your business. Our newly launched 3 part program is to be run over September/October and will assist you to create your blueprint going forward. Register now to secure your seat/s here.


Ak Sabbagh

Coach & Mentor


+61 419 843 174