There is an increasing demand in our sector for transparency and credibility of coaches and mentors. Accreditation gives your clients, employers, peers and community the reassurance about how you are maintaining professional standards and adhering to a Global Code of Ethics.

Accreditation is also about growth. Your growth, to be specific. As coaches and mentors, we can enhance our impact by walking the talk, and sharing the journey we ask our clients to take when they work with us. Our accreditation pathways can provide that for you, and so much more:

  • Assure your clients of the level of your supervised professional practice
  • Raise your professional credibility and professional standing
  • Position yourself as a professional who calls and stands for international standards
  • Role-model best practice as a coach, mentor or supervisor
  • Demonstrate your capability for development and reflective practice
  • It’s more than just a ‘qualification’ – EMCC individual accreditation recognises effective application of outstanding practice